Codice Serie: 085.1000
Water repellent and breathable acrylic-siloxane filler paint for the decoration of internal and external wall surfaces. Good filling power for hard walls.
- Prodotti Acrisilossanici - Linea Idropitture
- Colore: Bianco
- Compoziozione chimica: Acrilsiliconico
- Peso specifico: 1.450 +/- 1.500Kg/Lt.
- Resa Media mq/ lt. per mano: 6-7 mq/l
Tipo di impiego
Due to its characteristics of water repellency and breathability to water vapor and impermeability to atmospheric pollutants and resistant to alkaline surfaces, it is ideal for the protection and finishing of cementitious substrates and plaster in general. The structure of the surface is such that dirt adheres with difficulty and rain keeps the substrate clean for a long time.